I really enjoy reading self-help (or "God Help Me!") type books. Darrell and I both do, actually, so we joke around that we think if we could find the right home organization book and just leave it lying around the house, our home organization ails would be over! :>) That's just a funny thought, of course, we don't
really think that,
do we? Ha ha So here are a few I've been reading this year so far.

A nice little discussion on a great gift married ladies can give their husbands.

A really encouraging, devotional type book. It has inspired me to think beyond the "God Box" I have created in my brain.

This book has been both affirming and challenging to decisions I've made/am making about housewifing and mothering.

BUT all these books are on hold while I finish this one - I'm really good at starting several books and getting sidetracked. . . I'm on day seven (out of 30) and I've been reading it for over two weeks. So it may be a while, but something's telling me it will be worth it. I've been really encouraged and challenged so far.
I'd love to hear what you're reading now or have read that has impacted your life!
Love & Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs... I haven't finished it, but it is fantastic so far... also before I got married JD gave me Every Woman's Battle by Shannon Ethridge... both are so good!
ReplyDeleteThis year I have been trying to concentrate on digging into the Word, so I haven't spent as much time reading other books as usual. I have read "Lies Women Believe" by Nancy Leigh DeMoss, "Let Me Be a Woman" and "Through Gates of Splendor both by Elisabeth Elliot, and "The Well-Trained Mind" by Jessie Wise and Susan Wise Bauer. I guess that I have read several! :)
ReplyDeleteI am reading a Mission Minded Family by Ann Dunagan which so far has been very inspiring. I'm also reading Vinegar Boy to my kids to help in preparing our hearts for Easter. It's pretty intense and definitely for a little older kids (mine are 9 and 11), but it is giving us a more personal glimpse of Christ through the eyes of a scarred orphan who carries vinegar to the crucifixions and who encounters the only One who can heal his face. Very touching.