Welcome to my new blog! If you've followed my other blog for a while, you know I am prone to pontifications mixed in with my family news and pictures. I've decided to archive all my "thinking out loud" pieces from the past here, and put all my future ones here as well. Looking for family news & photos? Check out Moments at the Manse.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Pre-vacation thoughts

We're going away for vacation tomorrow and I've been exited all week long. But today . . . after I've looked into all our precious people's faces, something tells me, "You can't leave!" "What if . . ." "They need you!" Somehow a huge long list of to-do's and to-call's starts forming in my mind. I have decided to ignore it.

So I was thinking about our what we'll do on vacation - we hardly have anything planned - we're just stopping. But there are some things I want to accomplish:
  1. Relax - which involves aborting my urge to have everything planned to the hour and instead just going with the flow - more interesting with small children..
  2. Re-connect with Darrell - Aunt Shar may even watch the sweet ones while we go on a date!
  3. Re-evaluate each child's goals for the next year. I'm not really an overacheiver (Andy) - but I feel really lost in the dirty diapers if I can't envision where I'm going with these little people. A bit of measurable progress is wonderful - goes a long way in making me feel as if I just might be doing something of value. ;>)
  4. Re-define my personal purpose. So many needs I see, so many plans I'd like to accomplish, but what must I do right now, if I want to accomplish my ultimate goals.
So off we go! It promises to be a wonderful week - the weather in Branson is supposed to be perfect! Although we can relax in the rain as well. :>)

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